Courageous Coalition

Educated. Empowered. Engaged. 

Courageous Coalition Vision

outreach & Ministry arm of Courageous Community Church

PART 1 | To rule as the original intent of Jesus for the Church, the Ekklesia is a massive people movement that functions as a mobilized governing unit impacting and transforming all of society for the Kingdom of God.

PART 2 | Govern according to our nation's Founding Fathers as "We The People" upholding our Constitutional Duty as U.S. Citizens and our power to hold our government accountable to adhere to our Constitutional Rights. 

Courageous Coalition

Educated in Truth. Empowered with Authority.
Engaged in Guarding and Governing Our Cities.

our goal

To restore our nation back to its original intent by reviving the church and reforming one city at a time. 

our purpose

To raise up an A.R.M.Y. of brave believers,
educated in truth, empowered with authority,
and fully engaged in the guarding and governing of their cities.

our model

We are a Turning Point USA Faith Hub and are supported by and follow the Family Research Council's Community Impact format which gives us the tools, resources, and models.  

our cause

Our collective cause is to preserve the church, guard our innocent, and defend our constitutional freedoms for future generations. 

A.R.M.Y of Brave Believers

ARMED | Equipped with Biblical Worldview, Historical Truth, and Spiritual Gifts.
READIED | Emboldened with Authority. Empowered with Courage.
Grounded in Our Identity in Christ.
MOBILIZED | Strategically Assigned to Infiltrate and Impact with
Truth and Freedom. 
YIELDED | Surrendered to God. Submitted to Authority.
Humble, Teachable, and Self-Controlled. 

"All that is required
for evil to triumph
is for good men
to do nothing."